Monday, August 10, 2009

18 months, seriously?

Happy 18 months to Emmy (tomorrow)!!! I'm trying to get ahead, see? She had her 18 month check up with Miss Melissa, her fabulous PNP, on Friday. It was a bit of a challenge and we did some adjusting and tweaking, but got through her exam either way. She got two shots (a combo one that had 4 different vaccines in it and then hep A) in each arm. She was NOT pleased but did tell the nurse bye bye and thanked her when we left.

Here are the most current Emmy stats:
Weight: 25 lbs 10 ounces
Height: 32.5 inches
Head circumference: 48 cms

Interestingly, I guessed her height and weight right on. What is my prize? What do you think I should get?

We had a mini photo shoot with Lindsey from Bella Jackson Photography at our house this am. I will post the link to Lindsey's blog later today (really, I will) so you can get a sneak peak at the photos. Lindsey will be coming to our house after baby boy is here for a newborn shoot. I wanted new pics of Emmy as well as newborn pics of baby boy and we though doing both kids in one day would be crazy of us. So, Lindsey offered to come today and do Emmy and then again after the baby is here. I am looking forward to seeing the new pics soon! I think they are going to turn out really cute.

So you may ask, what is Emmy up to these days? Here are some of the things she can do etc:
-she has 16 teeth....and 8 of them came in in June/July. Yes, those were some rough times.
-says over 100 words...I can't keep up so I don't count any more
-says many phrases and said her 1st 4 word phrase at my Aunt and Uncle's house. She is clock obsessed and found their's as well and said to me, "there is the clock!". Yep, she was right!
-walks, runs, kicks a ball
-loves to ride her little people scooter around the house
-can go up stairs alone (yes, I'm behind though, duh), and down with assistance (we are working on this one).
-dances to music and the tv
-sings songs (usually the ones made up by me) and the Barney Song too!
-feeds herself usually with her hands but sometimes with a spoon or fork
-helps get herself dressed and undressed (no more diaper fiascos though, thankfully!)
-loves to go to the splash park, play in the little baby pool, play at the park and playground, push the stroller herself, play with her friends, play with the dogs, play with her toys, especially anything baby doll related

She is growing up before our eyes. We love to peek in on her at night and watch her sleep and can't believe she is our TODDLER and not our baby anymore. We love her more than anything and feel so blessed she is ours :)
the klitzkes

1 comment:

Baby Grover said...

I can't believe Emmy is such a talker! That is amazing!! I think Isabella is somewhere between 25 and 35 words??... Jeff and I were trying to count out the other day.