Sunday, August 23, 2009

"A" name clue.......and pics of the baby's room!

We had to keep up with our tradition (in a slightly different manner this time) with keeping our baby's name a secret. Tonight we are releasing the first clue. Here you go:
I cannot tell you where in the first name "a" falls but it is there! Happy guessing! Hahahahaha

We also finished the baby's room today as well. We are pretty darned pleased with how it turned out! We are going to use Emmy's crib when she goes into her big girl bed, sometime before she turns 5. Ha ha. We have a basinette to use in the mean time and then we also have the pack-n-play if we need to buy ouselves a little more time before she is ready to move. Here are the pics:

The quote above the bookshelf and changing table reads, "Every child is a story yet to be told". I found it at Hobby Lobby and really liked it. Putting it up was a little hairy......that's a story for a different day though.
Grandma Gretchen made the valances and there are footballs on the ends of the curtain rod.

Below is the changing table we bought at a 2nd hand store and refinished! Pretty proud of our work and find, for that matter.

We are on the countdown now! Just 12 more days (or hopefully sooner) until we meet the newest member of our family! We can't wait!
The Klitzkes
PS I do realize there are quite a few of you that know the baby's name. Our family and a few of our friends DO NOT KNOW and we want to keep it that way. Please don't ruin the surprise :)

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