Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yesterday we had a huge playdate at our house (I am claiming that this is the LAST one before the baby arrives) complete with lunch too! No, I didn't cook for everyone, are you crazy? We ordered from Jimmy John's-yummy yummy!!! Too bad Kate and I ordered it the day before and we had the SAME delivery girl both days. I think she thought I was crazy. Oh well, she got a good tip out of the deal and went on her way.

I don't have any pictures from the playdate, but I think every toy was out in our basement. There was food everywhere and babies everywhere too! It was a great time though and a fun way to see everyone before our baby arrives.

After everyone left, you would have thought I would have been exhausted. Nope. Not me. I cleaned the basement and all of the toys (yes, for real) and then had a brilliant idea. I wanted to go through more baby things that we had put away-bottles, pump things, the carseat etc etc etc etc! It was a little out of control. I washed the carseat cover and put it back together and now it is sitting in a bag in the garage all ready to be put in the car. I went through all of the bottles that we used for Emmy, threw away the nipples and then went through my entire "Emmy cupboard" and reorganized so it can become the Emmy and @#$%^&* cupboard. I could have kept on going but Matt wanted to go to bed (this extended on after nap because I can't do anything like this with Emmy's help).

I actually made dinner 2 nights in a row (actual cooking, not just a frozen pizza or something like that). Actually, I have made dinner every night since Sunday, thank you very much.

I can't believe how much energy I have (and still have some this am too....). Something may be going on I guess! I had a dream last night that we had the baby this week. Someone suggested to me yesterday that once you start nesting, the baby comes within 3 days! Yikers!

I also washed a bunch of clothes (mainly things that were hand me downs) and Emmy's old onsies that we are "recycling" for the baby. Don't worry, they are just white. No pink onsies for our little guy!

I have 3 weeks until my scheduled c-section but I guess only time will tell. I am convinced it might be a bit earlier. I would like to go to at least 37 weeks so hopefully the "3 day" thing won't come true!

We are terribly excited to meet our little guy (or big, knowing my history.....). I am afraid to even think about washing newborn clothes but I don't want him swimming in his coming home outfit! In my dream last night, the baby weighed in the mid 6 pound range. Who knows!!!!!

Have a wonderful day.
Erika and Co

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