Saturday, August 29, 2009

A new plan

I have had some issues with my BP again (sigh) so, they have decided the safest thing for both baby and I is to move up my c-section to this Tuesday, Sept 1 at 10am. You may be asking, why not earlier if I am having issues?

Many reasons.....1st being, I do not have classic PIH. I have had high bp's on and off for the past few weeks but not consistent other signs (labs, urine studies, blurred vision, headaches, right upper quadrant pain, etc). My other symptoms seem to come and go (not charactaristic of PIH), like headaches and some blurred vision. Also, my BP does get high, but then usually comes down into the normalish range with rest. The 2nd (which goes along with the 1st), is that unless things are clinically "bad" (like if my bp didn't come down with rest and I was in danger or if the baby wasn't tolerating all of this, which he is), they cannot do a scheduled c-section (or induction, for that matter) until week 39. So, I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday and that is why that day was chosen. Dr L will be doing my c-section. I am going to be seeing him in the office again on Monday am (I saw Dr C in the office again this am for an appointment and another non stress test) just to make sure every thing is still on track.

Emmy and I have had to adjust our routines a little bit. I will admit, I did go to a friend's house yesteday am so Emmy could play and I could couch rest and be with my mommy friends too. There seems to be something very therapeutic for all about being with good friends. We had a fun time and I know the girls did too.

We are just finishing things up this weekend around the house and spending good time with Emmy. I'm not supposed to do anything strenuous so I am trying to do things that involve sitting, laying etc. I am planning to do a little cooking tonight though. I can't help myself and I don't consider that strenuous anyway!

After nap this am, we all laid in bed together and watched Little Mermaid...Emmy's first time for one of my all time favorite disney movies!!! I think she liked it and I don't think it will be the last time we watch it!

We promise to post updates as soon as we can on Tuesday, but if you are on facebook, you might see updates there first. Blogger seems to take longer than I want sometimes and facebook is so fast! We will also send out pics on shutterfly as usual.

Papa Bill and Auntie Kristen (and cousin Drew) are coming on Monday and then my mom is planning to come next weekend and stay for the week to help after Matt goes back to work.

Well, that's the plan for now! No new updates means we are doing well and the plan is on for Tuesday when we become a family of 4!
the Klitzkes

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