Wednesday, July 15, 2009

$8 raspberries and other such fun

Since I got called off work last night and was home today, I decided to find something fun to do with Emily today. I got a little emotional when I realized I don't have much time left to do things with just her but obviously remain excited about becoming a family of 4 very soon!!!

This afternoon we went to the Grayslake Splash Park. We had an awesome time!! We have been there a few other times and Emmy just loves it there! She loves water and all things water related. We played there until she was ready to go. I had planned on going straight to the Grayslake Farmer's Market, but I got way too wet so we had to come home so I could change into dry clothes.

This is the first time we have been to the farmer's market all summer. I don't know where the summer has gone but it just hasn't worked out to go for some reason until today. I think we went almost every Wednesday last summer.

I have my "farmer's market strategy".....I make a pass through all of the stands and then go back and decide on some purchases. I knew I was going to be getting some produce as that is always a given.

We decided on peaches and raspberries, which Emmy just loves! I paid for them, put them under the stroller and went on our way....or so I thought. We were almost to the end of the stands and heading to the car when a woman at a vendor stand stopped us. She kept saying to me "He's going to lose his raspberries," I kept looking around and had no idea who in the world she was talking to! For some reason, I finally looked down into the stroller and found Emmy with a half eaten pint of raspberries in her lap! All I could do was laugh. Only my child would "steal" raspberries.

We walked back to the vendor she "stole" them from, explained what had happened and paid yet another $4 for the already half eaten pint of raspberries. I was somewhat embarrassed but still thought it was pretty darn funny! I just cannot believe she did that! When we were walking away from the stand, she tried to grab ANOTHER pint of raspberries to work on-unbelievable!!!!

We had a great day and we were both exhausted by the time we got home! Have a good weekend!
The Klitzkes

Sadie, the magical flying dog.....

Just a quick post to tell a funny story from yesterday........

We have what we fondly call, a zoo, at our house. We have 3 wonderful pets, Max the cat, Raven the terrierIwannabeaprincesslapdogbutweigh40pounds and SadieLoucallmeBoocrazyaustraliancattledog. We love them all dearly, but sometimes the zoo just gets to be too much!

Well, yesterday (while the cat was recovering from a trip to the v-e-t for a bad UTI), Sadie decided to climb out an open window and help Mike, MAtt's dad, finish some painting around the windows. For those of you who are wondering, yes, we have screens on our windows, but we were using the window to get out onto the roof and NO, Emily and I were not even home so there is not a snowball's chance in h@#$ Emily could get out onto the roof. Sorry, had to add that one in.

Anyway, according to Mike, Sadie stuck her nose out the open window, then her whole body, then was standing next to him and next thing he knew, she lept (yes, flying leap!) off the garage roof and onto the grass!!!! She ran around the yard and I truely wonder if given the opportunity, she might try it again!!!

She is absolutely fine (thank goodness) and ran around the rest of the day and today too. I see no outward signs of injury whatsoever. She ate well and slept well and is the same old "Boo" she always is (ie crazy clown dog).

So there, you thought YOUR house was crazy...............

The crazy Klitzke Zoo

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well, I have a confession to make....I've too been a bad blogger :( What has happened to me???

Well, we've been just a little busy. I'll post some more official updates, complete with pictures to go along with the stories. Here's the general idea.......

-celebrated Grandma J's birthday on June 6, which is also the first day Emmy really walked!
-Good friend, Amanda, came to visit the following weekend. Amanda and I had a blast just being girls and hanging out! Emmy and Daddy went to a special dinner with Grandma J, Auntie Joanie, Seth, Kate and Connor to celebrate Seth's graduation from grad school! Yay Seth!
-GiGi, Auntie Kristen and Drew came to visit from Sunday-Thursday the following week (Amanda left in the am, we threw sheets and towels in the wash, ran to the store and then GG, Aunt K and Drew were here!)
-The following weekend we went to Fort Dodge to visit and go to Papa Bill's Sonshine Singers concert at CY Stephens in Ames. Emmy also got to meet her Uncle Jim, Uncle Dick and Auntie Phyllis, who were visiting from AZ!
-This past week we have been busy with work and trying to make some room plans for Baby Boy :)
-My c-section has been scheduled for September 4 at 0800 with Dr C (a different Dr C than who delivered Emmy but still a fabulous dr, the other Dr C is on vacation that week because her boys are going to kindergarten!)

-I couldn't even begin to explain in small detail all of the fun we have had over the 4th of July weekend. This weekend deserves it's own post for sure!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend :) Stay tuned for REAL posts with pictures!!!
The Klitzkes (all of the names are getting too hard to write out :) )