Wednesday, July 15, 2009

$8 raspberries and other such fun

Since I got called off work last night and was home today, I decided to find something fun to do with Emily today. I got a little emotional when I realized I don't have much time left to do things with just her but obviously remain excited about becoming a family of 4 very soon!!!

This afternoon we went to the Grayslake Splash Park. We had an awesome time!! We have been there a few other times and Emmy just loves it there! She loves water and all things water related. We played there until she was ready to go. I had planned on going straight to the Grayslake Farmer's Market, but I got way too wet so we had to come home so I could change into dry clothes.

This is the first time we have been to the farmer's market all summer. I don't know where the summer has gone but it just hasn't worked out to go for some reason until today. I think we went almost every Wednesday last summer.

I have my "farmer's market strategy".....I make a pass through all of the stands and then go back and decide on some purchases. I knew I was going to be getting some produce as that is always a given.

We decided on peaches and raspberries, which Emmy just loves! I paid for them, put them under the stroller and went on our way....or so I thought. We were almost to the end of the stands and heading to the car when a woman at a vendor stand stopped us. She kept saying to me "He's going to lose his raspberries," I kept looking around and had no idea who in the world she was talking to! For some reason, I finally looked down into the stroller and found Emmy with a half eaten pint of raspberries in her lap! All I could do was laugh. Only my child would "steal" raspberries.

We walked back to the vendor she "stole" them from, explained what had happened and paid yet another $4 for the already half eaten pint of raspberries. I was somewhat embarrassed but still thought it was pretty darn funny! I just cannot believe she did that! When we were walking away from the stand, she tried to grab ANOTHER pint of raspberries to work on-unbelievable!!!!

We had a great day and we were both exhausted by the time we got home! Have a good weekend!
The Klitzkes

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