Sunday, March 1, 2009

The One Year Check Up

Well, here are Emmy's new stats (as promised!):
Wt: 21 pounds (50th percentile), gain of 3 1/4 pounds
Length: 30 inches (75-90th percentile), gain of 2 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 18 inches

She is doing great! She had just one shot (MMR) in her upper arm and then had her blood drawn out of her finger to check a lead level and iron level. Her PNP continues to be impressed by her development (and we are too, but we are mommy and daddy-duh!). Still no first steps yet but she is very mobile and will walk any day, we are sure! She cruises all around the room and is talking up a storm! She says "hi", "Bye", "Boo" (as in Sadie Lou....), "cat", "Teeth" (and can point to her teeth), "Ok", "Wow", "Oh Boy", "quack quack", "Ma" and "dada". I would have to say she doesn't say mama and dada all that much but that's ok. It will come! I might be missing a few words here but you get the idea. She sleeps about 12ish hours at night and takes 2 naps during the day. She loves toys, babies (as in baby dolls), and books and loves to play with her friends.

Have a great week! I will have exciting news to share soon......stay tuned!

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