Sunday, February 1, 2009

Turning the corner......

I think we are finally almost better. I am the last to get better though, and I think Friday was my worst day. Emmy seems fine and Matt is pretty much fine. I haven't had a fever since Friday night so I guess that's a plus! We did make it out of the house to our neighbor's for a few snacks and drinks last evening. It actually felt good to get out of the house (even though it was just next door and for only about an hour) and then come home and crash again! I think Emmy was asleep within 15 minutes of getting home! I guess she'd had enough.

There are pretty much no new pictures from this week since we have all been so sick! I am just so happy to be on the mend and hopefully this week will be a better one for us!!!! We have some playdates scheduled for this week and a few days of work for me.

On an exciting note, we did have our new dishwasher installed yesterday! Whooo-hooo!!! Our DW has basically been broken for months and our sweet family (Matt's dad and step mom) decided to step in and help us with a new one!! Thank you very much! We love not washing dishes by hand (does that make us lazy, or what?!) Emmy also got a new carseat for Matt's car (we have had the one for the volvo since September...good BRU sale, what can I say) from Papa Mike and Gran Diane for her birthday. Matt installed it yesterday afternoon with only a small amount of difficulty. We haven't taken it for it's maiden voyage yet...basically because we haven't been able to go anywhere yet! Maybe later today or tomorrow we'll try it out (she did sit in it in the family room so we could play with straps etc).

Anyway, have a great week. We are looking forward to Emmy's one year pictures being taken on Saturday am by one of our favorite Grayslake photographers (she has photographed Emmy since she was a newborn!), Leslie Lipps. Hopefully we'll get some good shots!


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