Monday, February 23, 2009

Not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, you have all been waiting oh-so-patiently for the wacky things that did not happen at our house over the past few weeks. Here goes:

I did not have Emmy undressed in the bathroom last night while I was getting the tub ready and she totally did not pee all over the rug on the floor. No way. Why would anyone let their 1 yr old be naked while getting ready for bath?

Then, while taking said bath, she did not proceed to poopie in the tub. This has only happened twice at our house and only to me. This is funny because Matt usually does bath....what are the odds that it would happen to me while Matt is OOT?????

This one dates back a few weeks but I couldn't share it then. Matt did not ask me whether or not he was dreaming one night or was I really eating a peanut butter sandwich in the bed in the middle of the night???!!! Only a pregnant lady could fess up to this one and maybe get a small amount of sympathy :)

Here's another one that had to wait a few weeks (actually, more like many weeks but whatever...)I did not take 5 pregnancy tests (all of which came back positive BTW....but the 1st was a "faint positive"......there, that was my justification for the 2nd...what about 3-5????) just to "be sure" it was true! And then when we told my parents, my mom didn't say "Already????" (followed quickly by a congratulations but still, mom, come on!) Nope, I am not a maternity nurse and have no idea how these things work......nope, not me!

Then, last night (remember, Matt is OOT), I did not get up at midnight and decide I HAD to have an English Muffin with peanut butter and then justify it by telling myself "I really only had soup for dinner, no wonder I am starving!". I then I most certainly did not eat said English Muffin in bed while watching the Simpsons. No way. Not me!

And then this am, I did not attempt to put Emmy in bed with me and bribe her with Sesame Street because I was too tired to get up before 7am! And then when she was acting tired again I most certainly did not put her back in her crib and she did not pass out for another hour and then I did not pass out for another hour too. Nope, not me. Not at this house! We do not value sleep that much!

Last but not least, I do not continue to have dreams about my sister's baby who is due in a week. I do not keep having GIRL dreams about this baby and dreams about she names said GIRL (June last week, Erin this week). I do not keeping harassing her about what she is naming my niece/nephew!

Now it's your turn. Make sure you copy the above link and picture to post on your blog too. If you are having trouble, refer back to for better instructions (and check out her blog will not be addicted quickly like I way!)

Have a great week! What did you not do???!!!!


1 comment:

Amanda Pilkinton said...

Congrats!!! They will be the same distance as Will and Caroline! It is very fun and very busy!!!