Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fun times in the Klitzke house!

This has been a very fun week so far. Emmy got to play at Grandma J's on Monday afternoon while I worked for a bit. On Tuesday we went to a playdate at Dani and Lynette's house. We had a wonderful time. Then yesterday, Emmy's friend, Addie, came over for another playdate! Wow, what a fun week. We have kindermusik tonight, which we always look forward to.

Emmy is obsessed with standing these days. She is also obsessed with toilets. Go figure. Whenever I have her in the bathroom with me, as soon as she spies the toilet, she makes a bee-line for it! It's all I can do to keep her out of it and convince her it's nasty! Gross Emmy! Emmy also got a new phone (she's obsessed with ours so why not get her her own?!) Just kidding, it's not real! Just an FP (that's baby speak for Fisher Price). She enjoys "talking on it", which basically means she picks it up and yells "HI!". She also holds in on her shoulder...pretty funny. She has also been enjoying her little activity table that I picked up for her quite awhile ago...she didn't think it was that great then but loves it now!

We have also been working on some more table foods. We are at such a between baby food and table food. We have found she loves to eat chunks of banana...she can't shovel it in quick enough and then grins at me with a mouthful of banana! I have also found she loves scrambled eggs and toast. We shared them again this am.

She continues to be a little chatterbox. I think she has almost 10 words now! She FINALLY starting calling me "Ma" or some version of it at least. She also said "book" yesterday. Emmy loves her books. Wow, she could just sit and "read" books and be pretty content for quite awhile. She also loves to say "Go"! When we were at our playdate on Tuesday, she and Dani were racing up and down the hallway and Emmy kept saying (or yelling....) "go!!!".

Have a good weekend!

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