Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama is sworn in!

Emmy and I had the pleasure of watching Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States this morning. Well, technically, she had to go to nap before he was actually sworn in but she watched with great interest as long as she could! This pic was as close as I could come to getting a picture of Emmy and Obama being sworn into office.

I was very emotional watching the inauguration. I don't know exactly why. Maybe it is the "historicalness" of the event or just the thought of all of the obstacles he has overcome to become president? I am sure my grandparents could not imagine they would live to see the day that an African American would be the president. I don't even know if my parents thought this day would happen in their lifetime. I can't seem to turn off the TV though today-that is for sure!!!
We are off to a playdate. I'll have to update later about our trip to Fort Dodge for Auntie Kristen's baby shower!

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