Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Making Baby Food-Yum Yum!

Emily and I spent the afternoon making homemade baby food. This is actually something we do once every week or so but yesterday it looked like the kitchen exploded (as Matt would put it). I think I had out 5-6 bowls and spoons, plastic wrap, trays to put food in to and the magic bullet AND not, to mention every toy Emily could get her little chubby hands on. Yikes. What a mess. We are experiementing with frozen fruits right now since it's a little difficult to come across really good fruit except for apples, pears and citrus( but we don't do citrus yet). So, we made some yummy mixes yesterday! We made all different combos comprised of apples (fresh) and then strawberries, blueberries and peaches (frozen). I am trying to make them a little chunkier so Emmy can get used to them while we are transitioning from baby food to table foods-my little sweet pea is growing up! She also got to sample the fruits as we made them and I even let her lick the spoon (when we were all done of course!). She love-love-loved it all!!!! Her little face and onsie were both stained with the berries though-oh well! Nothing like a blueberry mustache to make you giggle at your baby! Now ask her Daddy about the aftermath of all of that fruit.....glad I was at work!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda Pilkinton said...

Hey Erika,
I just found your blog. Your little one is adorable. Glad you are doing well. It will be fun to check in on you guys now that I know your blog address! Merry Christmas!