Sunday, June 7, 2009

We've been super (duper) busy

We have had some fun and busy times in the Klitzke household the past few weeks (ie why I am not posting every day....well, maybe that might have to do with some other things.....oh well). I guess we can start with Memorial Day Weekend.

Here goes: On Saturday afternoon we went to a cookout with our friends Jill, Josh and Loralai and Dan, Cory and Isabella. Jill, Cory and I know each other through our mom's group and our girls have become great friends (and the mommys too!). The girls played and the moms gabbed and I think the dads took their turns watching the kiddos play. Emmy and Loralai had so much fun diving into the Lewis' ball pit with Isabella watching from the sidelines (she is only 9 months old, so someone had to be the ref!). I can tell our girls are going to have so much fun growing up together and playing, though I think Emmy and Lor are going to be sweet little trouble makers together. I haven't decided if Isabella is going to remain the unwilling (unknowing) participant in their mischief or just as "sweet" as Emmy and Lor. I say this out of love for all three girls but wow, look out when Emmy and Lor are like 3 (or 15 for that matter). We'll have to see which way Isabella goes. Ha ha. We had great time at the Lewis'-thanks for having us!!! We were all in bed early that night!

On Sunday, we decided to take a spontaneous trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo! For those of you who don't know anything about LPZ, it is in the city (uh, duh) and the admission is free, but the parking is $$$. It was pretty crowded and crazy but we had a great time. We do still have some questions about the zebra who was under medical care for seizures......hmmm....Emmy's favorite animals of the day were the lions (she kept saying "roar" to them) and most importantly, the cows. She loved the cows. That's my IOWA girl :)

We had a relaxing day on Monday while Daddy was home with us.I think we just played at home and did things around the house. I can't exactly recall so it couldn't have been too life-impacting. On Wednesday we went to my sorority sister, Christine's, house to play. She has 2 girls, ages 2 and 4 and then she also invited another sorority sister, Meg (who was a roommate of mine one year when we lived in the house) and her little guy, Barrett. Barrett is a few weeks younger than Emmy. We had so much fun letting the kids play, while we caught up on life! We had lunch together as well. While we were eating lunch, we noticed Olivia (Christine's 2 year old) was missing in the house. Christine found her upstairs in her Daddy's shaving cream. Literally, she was in Daddy's shaving cream. She was covered in it and though I am sure it wasn't that particularly funny for Christine, we about died laughing! On Thursday, we went to the Milwaukee Zoo to meet up with our friends, the Davis'. Amanda and I have been good friends since my freshman year of college, were ADPi's together, roommates a few different years, went to nursing school together, stood up in each other's weddings and now our first born's are 3 months apart (to the day!). She has been a wonderful friend to me (actually all of us, as she and Matt knew each other through Dance Marathon-they were Morale Captains together)I wish we lived closer and could hang out on a more regular basis but at least we are only 3 hours away from each other now! It is fun that we can now hang out as families though sometimes Amanda and I enjoy our throwback (bk and figure that one out)days too :) Anyway, we went to the zoo and had a great time. The weather started out a little iffy but ended up working out great! We are really only an hour to Milwaukee. So far, the Milwaukee Zoo is our zoo of choice. We saw all kinds of animals and had a great time. I got to chat with Amanda and Jeff and the kids had fun seeing all of the animals. I think we were all exhausted when the day was done!

Emmy playing with her new kitchen and accessories!

On Friday we had a day of appts but I will post that later. Adios for now! That was just one week of our lives....what will the next weeks bring? What have you been up to?

love Erika, Matt, Emily and #2

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