Monday, June 8, 2009

My little walker

Emmy has (finally) reached an all-important baby/toddler milestone- WALKING!!!! She has been standing alone, cruising etc for months. We knew she could walk because she would take multiple steps and then plop on her booty. Well, for some reason Saturday was her magical day. She woke up and decided to walk!!!

She is doing such a good job. It just seems so funny to us to see her walking because she didn't want to for so long! Silly girl! Her wobbly little toddler gait just makes my heart want to burst with pride and joy!

On another note, we are working to wean paci (or "p" is she fondly calls it) to just naps and bedtime. Somehow I got the joy of the 1st day without the beloved P. Thanks, honey.

She had an all out fit in her room this am when I told her P needed to stay in her crib and she was a big girl etc etc etc. She cried on the family room floor and I was 2 seconds away from giving in and getting it for her. The look on her face made me feel like I had taken away a limb or something. It was awful! It required a text to Daddy for support!

She seems fine now but we will see as the day goes on. It seems like if it is out of sight it's out of mind for her. Fortunately, most of the P's are in her room. Wish me luck (I know I will need it)!!!

Erika, Matt, Emily and #2

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