Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And then there was the diaper incident.....

Just a funny story to share (and I am sure many of you couldn't have possibly also experienced this, ever)....

I laid Emmy down for a nap late yesterday afternoon. We had been at the mall hanging out with friends on a gloomy, rainy day earlier in the afternoon. Emmy fell asleep on the way home (as usual) and so I laid her back down because I knew she was still tired. She seemed like she was ready to fall asleep and was fairly quiet while she was listening to her usual nap time music (Rock-a-bye baby Led Zeppelin, God help us if something were to happen to that cd).

Anyway, I just let her hang out and have her quiet time in her bed even if she wasn't going to truly nap. Matt got home from work and went up to go get her so we could eat dinner and play. I could hear him via the monitor but his exclamation came through the whole house this time...., "Oh God," (and I could tell by the inflection in his voice that nothing was seriously wrong, maybe just a really stinky or overfull diaper or something). Then he said, "You have to come up here". So, I popped dinner in the oven and ran on up to Emmy's room.

I should have taken a picture but I don't know that we ever need to re-create what I walked into. Emmy had thrown off her diaper and had smeared poopie all over her crib and thrown some on the floor too. Awesome.

Needless to say there was a lesson or two learned here, 1) if it's too quiet and you don't think the baby is sleeping, then they probably are not sleeping. 2) never, ever put your baby down in just a tshirt and diaper unless you are ready to deal with the consequences!

Matt gave her a pre-dinner bath (and she cried from the time I walked into the room until we came down for dinner...maybe she realized what she had done was not good??). We could only just laugh because it was basically MY FAULT! Curious toddler + accessible diaper= recipe for disaster!

Hopefully you can all learn from my "mistake" :)

Erika and Company

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