Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our early riser.....

For those of you who know Matt and I, you know we both really enjoy sleep (come on, who doesn't?!). I mean, we really enjoy sleeping in! Back in the day (BK...before kids), we would often stay up until whenever on the weekends and would get up whenever in the am (or maybe even sleep until noon sometimes).

And I know we are so blessed to have our sweet baby girl and soon a second little blessing, but man, can't she sleep just a little longer on the weekends? I also know we are so lucky that she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 at night and we generally don't hear from her until morning (and it has been this way for 7 or 8 months). BUT, 6 am on the weekends?!! Seriously?!

We try and "bribe" her with her milk cup and snuggle time with Mommy and Daddy and Playhouse Disney in our bed but she generally perfers just coming downstairs to play. Which means, Mommy and Daddy get up then too. I don't seem to mind quite as much during the week for some reason though.

I think we spent a long time being spoiled because she would sleep until 9 or 9:30 in the am (yes, you are doing the math correct....13+ hours of sleep). In the past 2 months she has been moving up her am awakenings to closer and closer to 7am. This would also be easier if I worked and lived a normal schedule but since I sometimes work nights and sometimes work PMs (3-11pm) my schedule is messed up too.

Oh well, such is life as a parent......and more importantly, wow, I just love my little girl :)


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