Friday, May 22, 2009

Is it summer yet???

For some reason, I have always marked the start of summer with Memorial Day here it is and is it summer yet??? The weather has finally turned beautiful and warm and everything is blooming (just ask Matt's allergies). We actually had to turn on our air this week because it was so warm out!!

These are our late May/June plans so far:
-a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo with the Davis'
-a garage sale
-celebrating Grandma J's birthday
-many playdates and park dates with friends
-a trip to Brookfield Zoo for a fundrasier 5k and then fun at the zoo
-a visit from GG, Auntie Kristen and Cousin Drew
-Papa Bill's Sonshine Singer Concert at CY Steven's in Ames (um yes, I can get you tickets if you would like to go...I know people)
-trips to the pool
-playing in the backyard in the baby pool
-who knows what else we will get into!!!

I generally mark the middle of summer with the 4th of July. We are trying to figure out our 4th plans...they may involve a little mini-cation but not sure yet!
-In the mean time however, we are continuing to get things (and our minds) ready for baby boy to join our family! We are starting to near the less than 100 day mark (and yes, we are getting anxious already!). I am just waiting for the OB's office to schedule my c-section. It will be sometime during week 39, which is the week starting Sept 1!

Which means, by Labor Day 2009 (which I mark as the END of summer), we will be a family of 4!!!!! Don't you think that's a wonderful way to start the fall (and hello football season!!!!!!!!!!)

What are your summer plans this year?

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our early riser.....

For those of you who know Matt and I, you know we both really enjoy sleep (come on, who doesn't?!). I mean, we really enjoy sleeping in! Back in the day (BK...before kids), we would often stay up until whenever on the weekends and would get up whenever in the am (or maybe even sleep until noon sometimes).

And I know we are so blessed to have our sweet baby girl and soon a second little blessing, but man, can't she sleep just a little longer on the weekends? I also know we are so lucky that she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 at night and we generally don't hear from her until morning (and it has been this way for 7 or 8 months). BUT, 6 am on the weekends?!! Seriously?!

We try and "bribe" her with her milk cup and snuggle time with Mommy and Daddy and Playhouse Disney in our bed but she generally perfers just coming downstairs to play. Which means, Mommy and Daddy get up then too. I don't seem to mind quite as much during the week for some reason though.

I think we spent a long time being spoiled because she would sleep until 9 or 9:30 in the am (yes, you are doing the math correct....13+ hours of sleep). In the past 2 months she has been moving up her am awakenings to closer and closer to 7am. This would also be easier if I worked and lived a normal schedule but since I sometimes work nights and sometimes work PMs (3-11pm) my schedule is messed up too.

Oh well, such is life as a parent......and more importantly, wow, I just love my little girl :)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy 15 months sweet baby girl!

At GG and Papa's for Easter and Drew's Baptism!
Our little Oompa Loompa eating spahgetti-yum!

Waiting for Daddy to get home from work and "not" walking in the yard. I was actually trying to "trick" her into walking because I know she doesn't like grass! Ha!

Well, I fully admit it, I've been a bad blogger. In my defense, however, we have been super-duper busy the past month AND, the last blog I tried to publish would not publish and the pics wouldn't upload. Now you tell me, blank blog without pics, or wait until I can actually do a better job??? Ha!

Emmy turned 15 months on Monday, May 11! We cannot believe she is on her way to being a 1 1/2 yr old (I don't know, I feel like this is a turning point for some reason.....)! She is talking up a storm. I think her favorites at the moment are "up", "shoes" (and is obsessed with shoes..,mainly mine) and the naming of other body parts. She knows eyes, ears, nose, teeth (the fav), feet and head. Sometimes she can say the words but she can always point to these parts. She pretends she can't walk but we all know she can. Silly girl! She stands and cruises all the time and then when she thinks no one is watching, will walk like 8 steps. Duh! I think she has just decided that crawling or hopping on her knees is so much fun, why walk?!

We had a fun end to our week last week. Thursday was my birthday...last yr in my 20's :) We hosted a playdate/lunch at our house, went to kindermusik and then surprised Daddy at his softball game. Then, we came home, put Emmy to bed and then ate yummy yummy sushi (yes, cooked). On Friday, we went out to lunch with friends and then did a little shopping in Deer Park. On Friday night, Grandma J watched Emmy so Daddy and I could have dinner at Wildfire-yum! We topped off our birthday celebration dinner with ice cream from Maggie Moo's-double yum!

On Saturday, Papa Mike and Gran Diane came from Madison (actually, they had been in Chicago for a few days so that is technically where they came from....) to visit. We had a nice time together and then they got to spend the day/evening with Emmy while Daddy and I went to a friend's wedding in Evanston. We had a wondeful time seeing many friends from college but I think we talked about Emmy and #2 90% of the time!

On Mother's Day, we got up and had breakfast at home with Papa Mike and Gran Diane. After Emmy's nap, we went to brunch with Grandma J at Flatlanders-delicious! Emmy was not super cooperative but we still had fun. After brunch, we went back to Grandma J's for ice cream and brownies to celebrate my birthday with Seth, Kate, Cousin Connor and Auntie Joanie. It was so much fun to let the kids "play" and all be together! It seems like it's been a long time!

After our yum-city dessert, we came home and all took much needed naps. Wow. We really needed naps. After our naps, Daddy and Emmy took me on a picnic. We picked up KFC (no KGC in this house) and headed to the park. It was pretty cool out though so it was an eat and run kind of picnic. We will do a "make up" picnic so we can actually go hike/walk and eat dinner at some point (which was what we were originally planning).

It's been sucha fun month at the Klitzke house! We are starting to count the weeks until #2's arrival. I think we have a short 16 weeks left until we meet our precious little (or big) man! We are planning on going to look at fabrics when GiGi is in town in a few weeks so we can get started on the nursery. I have my eye on a double stroller....I am hoping I can make some nice profits at our garage sale in June so I can get my stroller :) Too bad the kids' rooms probably need new carpet and blinds first.....oh well, I can dream, right?!

Stay tuned for more posts...promise I won't be a stranger, you can't either :)


Erika and the crew

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Nurses Week!

Just wanted wish all of my nurse friends and all of the other wonderful nurses in the world a HAPPY NURSES WEEK 2009! I know, I am cheesy :) I wish I had some pictures of me being a nurse, but I don't! And no, we didn't have caps at U of Iowa or Vanderbilt (but there are some schools out there that still do). Guess I'll just have to sport my nursing school pins sometime this week.

So, give your favorite nurse a hug and tell him/her how a nurse has changed your life!

Erika (my husband would argue that I should end a post like this with my official "title" here it is, RN, CPNP-PC, MSN.....too bad my favorite remains, MOM)