Saturday, April 11, 2009

Klitzke Baby #2 is a ....................

Sweet, beautiful BOY!!!!!! Emmy will have a little brother in September!!! Woohooo!!!! We went to our ultrasound yesterday morning (after a trip to the pediatrician...more on that later in the post). Everything measured out just fine but they might have us go back in another month to get a better look at the cord (she just couldn't see it very well). But, our little boy is not shy! It was quite obvious what we were looking at and that we will soon be adding some testosterone to our otherwise pretty feminine household.

In other news, Emmy has her 1st ear infection :( She just didn't seem like herself on Thursday. She has had a cold for about a week-very congested and a pretty productive cough (and had had a cold about 2 weeks ago too!). So, I checked her temp (and not really expecting to find anything )and sure enough, temp of 102! I looked at her ears myself (which I don't know that I will be doing again) and they looked pretty nasty to me. So, we took (I) took her in to sick call at the pediatrician's office and yep, sure enough-double ear infection. We started antibiotics yesterday am and have 10 days worth to do. She's now had 3 doses (plus motrin to get the fever down) and she seems like she feels much better already!

We are currently in Iowa for my nephew's baptism and to celebrate Easter! Have a wonderful weekend!
Erika, Matt, Emily and #2

PS Congrats to our cousins, Jill and Darren on the birth of their new little boy, Jacob!!!
PPS Double congrats to our other cousins, Elizabeth and Jon, on being pregnant with their first little baby!!! Yay!


davis family said...

congratulations. a boy. how exciting? sounds like all is well other then the ear infection. we should talk soon. we would love to come visit for a long weekend sometime. just have to figure out when.

Whitney Smith said...

So, do you have any names you're throwing around yet??? We had decided on Addie's name a few months before she was born.

Addie just got her first ear infection a month or so ago too, so we're definitely lucky that the girls weren't plagued with ear infections in their first year like other babies tend to be! Hope she feels better soon!

This may sound crazy but it feels good to have warm vegetable oil poured in your ears when you have an infection, just a little bit and then you put a cotton ball in to keep it from dripping out...I had chronic ear infections as a child, and it always helped!!!