Sunday, January 10, 2010

Starting over?

4 months? Really?

4 Months?!

Has it really been that long? I always have good intentions to actually blog...but then don't. Matt always asks if I'm "blogging" and almost always answer, "well, it depends on what you consider "blogging". If you consider blogging reading others' blogs, than YES, I am a faithful daily blogger. For some reason though, I think blogging means you actually have to write something too. You don't just get to read and occasionally comment on others' blogs.

Let's play quicky catch up and what's been going on with us:

-Emily is 23 months old. We cannot believe our baby is turning 2 next month. I feel like I just had her! She loves to sing, dance, TALK (all the time, in sentences etc). She really is a little person. She is not a baby anymore. Not at all a baby! We are thinking about potty training soon. She loves dolls, house, Mickey, Cinderella (Cinbawewa, as she says it). She recognizes her own name when it's written and can spell is too. She can count to 13 and say her ABC's. She loves coloring and playdoh and helping me with Ethan.

-Ethan is 4 months old. Yes, seriously, he is 4 months old. He is a very sweet baby and very mild too. He is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, which works well for all of us. He loves to eat and nurses about every 4 hours and occasionally goes 6-8 hours without eating at night. He loves to watch his big sister play and lights up when he sees her. He smiles easily and I love his laugh. He loves to be sung to and talked to and loves to babble back to you. He has rolled over both ways and has excellent head control. He loves to be stood up and sit on our laps. We put him in Emmy's high chair the other night and he looked like such a big boy! I think he will enjoy sitting in the high chair at meal times when he is awake just to see what we're doing! He doesn't like to be alone and lets us know when he's unhappy. He's such a good baby and such a wonderful addition to our family!

-I went back to work part time when Ethan was 2.5 months old. Since then, I have started a new job at a different hospital. I will be working on a peds floor and working 12 hour shifts. This works much better for us. I can work more hours but less days per week.

-Matt is working at Sage Products still and enjoying his job. He had the opportunity to travel to Dallas for work in September and has the big National Sales Meeting coming up in February (which is thankfully in Chicago this year).

I won't bore you with every little detail that has happened since September. We are doing great adjusting to being a family of 4.

I am looking forward to spring and being able to get out more with the kids. It's a little difficult to go places when it's snowy and -50 (just kidding, but it is really cold here right now) with 2 kids. We are hoping our mom's group will pick up a little more now too since the holidays are over. We have recently discovered a children's museum that is close by and plan to check out open gym soon too. I can tell when we have been indoors at home too long-we all get cabin fever.

I am hoping to (planning to?) blog more often and more pics too. Then I can tell Matt, "yes, I am blogging".


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